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Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
1 year 105 days ago


     This week I am feeling like I should allow my baser instincts out.   When you have those that were meant to be your friends unleash their ire on you because of falsehoods told to them by others, one may come out swinging and cut everything that once was there to the ground, or one may try to over look it and hope for better days.   After the week which I have had I think it would feel better to just cut down all that once stood before me, plow it under and reseed the garden with better quality seed.
     There are so many out there who do not understand the meaning of honor, and truth.   Those which are not truthful to you about one subject should be doubted on all subjects, and those which would believe lies thrown at you truly never really knew you.   For those which really understand your personality and value will see a lie about you for what it is and cast away those who seek to spread lies and drama.   If those you once called friend can not see a lie told by another for what it is they themselves are not worthy of your friendship, and you would be far better off without them in your inner circle.


      I have been gone a while.   When you are a Goddess there is always things that need your attention.   As a result I do not spend much time in any one given spot.   The things that interest  me in the behavior of humans is their incongruity.   They demand others tell them the truth and be loyal to them, however they themselves do not follow the standards to which they seem to hold against others.   It is prevalent all over the world in the human animal.
    Let us take for instance when one states they will help another with a task, then backs out on the offer without informing anyone they are not going to follow through.
     I need to take a little trip back into reality.   I have just heard noises coming from my neighbors house that I never hear.   I have know this family for 20 years and never have i ever heard noises like this before.   It worried me because the mother is in her 90's and had a fall few months back.   She can walk with help now, but is still not getting around alone yet.   Her son drinks heavily occasionally.   He has a learning disability so he does not work when he wants money to drink on he collects aluminum and other scrap items and sells them to get the money for his beer.   Even when he is drunk he is not and has never been violent.   That is why when I heard the noises I heard coming from their house tonight it frightened me.   It sounded like a fight.   He and his mother never fight.   When I heard what sounded like something thumping around I decided I should call the police for a wellness check.   I stepped out onto the porch to wait for the police and saw a woman on the porch talking to the son.   I asked her if things were ok, she said yes and that she had not even been inside the house.   A little bit later the son came out on the porch and I told him I was scared so I called the police.   I explained to him the sounds I heard scared me because I never hear sounds like that from their home.   He told me he did not like the guy that was with the girl, but the guy stayed in the car.   I am thinking he saw the car pull up and got mad about the guy being here and banged some things around.   I have been know to bang a few things when I was angry.   Like i told the officers when they arrived I think it is ok now.   I told them I was scared because it was loud and I was worried the mother would get hurt if there was someone trying to break in or something.   The officers talked to both the son and the mother and felt confident things were calmed down now.   They asked me if the son took care of his mother.   I told them she has a visiting nurse but he does most of the looking out for her.   I told them he is not drunk all the time,and usually when he gets drunk he comes home and goes to bed.    They told me to call anytime if I hear anything like that again.   I am sure it will be all over the neighborhood tomorrow that the police were in front of my house. lol    I do not care all I care is that my neighbors are ok.   I have know them for like 20 years and I do not want to see anything bad happen to them.    Besides I have a reputation as a "cop caller" anyhow, just because if I see a crime happening I do not sit by and let it happen I call for help.   If it is a bad thing to report someone who may be hurting someone else and maybe keep someone from getting killed, SO BE IT.   I will be a "cop caller".   The good men and women of the police force put their lives in danger every day to try to protect others.   The least I can do is help them by calling them if I see something dangerous happening.   If more people would see the police as friends and help them instead of comdiming them for doing their jobs, there would be less crime.   I have one further question to those that think I am wrong to call the police when someone may be in danger.   If it were you who was being beaten by 3 other people in a 3 on one beat down like I saw in front of my home a couple summers ago, would you still think I was wrong to call the police to help you?    The funny part about that story was one of the young men involved in the beating I had know sense he was in dippers, and I did not realize it was him that was one of the attackers till a couple days later.   He asked me if I called the cops on him.   I said were you one of the ones doing the beating he smiles and said yea.  I told him yes I had called the police and if he did not want me to do it again do not beat people in front of my house.   I was so frightened that day.   I could hear my heart beating.  I was afraid they were going to kill the boy they were beating.
     The reason for the beating was so stupid.   The boy what was beat had a southern flag bumper sticker on his truck and one of the other young men pulled it off his truck.   Then the boy that owned the truck tried to run over him and it was all down hill from there.   I will admit I left the fight happen when it was one on one.   I did not call the police till it became a 3 on one beat down.   Here is the irony or this story if it had went to the news the headline would have read white man tries to run over black man.  Instead of 3 black men badly beat 1 white man after they vandalized his truck, and he retaliated.   
     I get angry when current events are written to slant them to appear predigest when no predigest is present.   The boy that had the bumper sticker did not have it because he was predigest.   He had it because he was originally from the south.    Trying to hit the kid that took it off with the truck was a bit extreme.   If you know anything about southerners there are a few things you do not mess with and one of them is their trucks, another is their girlfriends, and the third is their land.   I think this country needs to take a good look at themselves and look at the real motivation of actions without assuming it is all based in predigest and hate.   Well I need to go now.   I do not know when I will be back again.


     Have you ever had one of those days when you just want to punch everyone you know in the face?   I am having one of those days.   It started with my sister waking me up about an appointment I had on Friday that I know I told her was moved.   Then she tells me about all the things she is going to do Friday.   She has swelling of the legs and kidney and heart problems so she should not have her legs down so long.   I told her if she does everything she says she is gonna her legs will be swelled up like bowling balls, but she does not listen.   She goes on to tell me about all the things she has planned for the weekend.   I am so mad she does not take her health more seriously.   Then I come on line to find out someone has been usurping my powers and there is nothing i can so about it.
     So I called my neighbor to see if she was up, because we had plans to work on a craft project today at her house.   She tells me that she is on her way to the dollar store, and when her daughter gets home she wants her to take her to take pictures.   I understand your kids should always come first , but it does not stop me from being mad about it.   Her daughter is 16 and heard me planning to do this project with her mother, so why the hell does she decide she has got to go get her picture taking the very day she knows we had plans?   Ugh teenagers.   I am glad I was never a teenager lol.. Goddess  are formed fully grown up lol.  
     Then there is this girl I stood up for and bragged on and got her into a cushy job only to have her quit.   Then when we got her to come back not only did she do more work at the place she started at when she left us she has not done hardly anything sense her return.  I fear if she does not wake up soon she may get canned for real this time.   Not to mention the knife I feel she has put in my back by taking her skills to the competition.    So to this messed up day I just say GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.   Hope tomorrow is better.

Karma takes it's own time.

     It just came to me this morning that Karma will equalize everything, but she will do it in her own time.   Yes I said she.   I believe Karma is a female, because given the right insensitive she can be especially brutal.
     Let’s take the case that came to my mind this morning.    I was making ready to wrap some Christmas presents, and memories of Christmases past came to my mind.   One really bad Christmas in the 1990's comes to mind as the second worst Christmas ever.   They had just finished remodeling my house and I had planned to have the family Christmas party at in my newly remodeled home.   We had not had a family Christmas party sense my mother’s death in 1989.   My house is not as big as my siblings, but I live alone so it is fine for me.   That year I moved things out of my living room so I could bring in a banquet table and chairs for the meal.   I paid for everything and did nearly all the work myself.  My neighbors daughter helped me bake a checkerboard cake (I did this for my niece that requested we have the party.)  It took 5 hrs to mix bake and frost.   The niece that requested the party arrived late but she made her ham gravy (she makes ham gravy that is not salty).  
     I had told them all the meal would go on the table at 1 pm.   I had everything timed perfectly so we could start eating at 1 pm.  Fifteen minutes till 1 my brothers thought it would be a good idea to run to the mall.   I still do not know what was so important they had to go right that minute.   The meal went on the table at 1 as scheduled and the boys were gone.   It had been a long standing custom to allow the boys and the little kids to eat first and the girls and the older kids would eat second because the table was never big enough for everyone to eat at one time.   When I said where are the boys and were told they had went to the mall, I said they knew what time the meal was going on the table and they left so we are not waiting on them we will eat and they can eat second sitting when they get back.   When they came in they were shocked to see all the seats filled and us eating.   My oldest brother said you did not wait on us?    I said Hell no we did not wait I told you when the meal was starting and you left so now you get to eat second setting.   There was a series of other things I will not go into that annoyed me  including my niece putting salt and pepper she had pored onto her hand on my plate, and when the meal was done wrapping paper being balled up and thrown around the room.   Even though I had told them to stop throwing the balls of paper 3 times, because I was worried they would knock my spun glass hearts that someone special had given me that year, off my tree they did not stop till I left the room crying.   Now keep in mind the youngest person at my party was 6 and the oldest one was in her 50's and only 1 person stopped the first time I told them to.   The others never stopped till I left the room crying and my sister in law told them we need to clean this up.   They listened to her but disrespected me in my own home.   
     I tried to talk to some of them later about how they had made me feel only 1 apologized at the time another has sense apologized, but my sister and my other sister in law acted like what they did was ok and they never apologized.   My sister tried to rationalize her behavior.   She never just says I am sorry I messed up.   This hurt me so bad I told them all I WILL NEVER HAVE THE CHRISTMAS PARTY AT MY HOUSE AGAIN SENSE YOU DISRESPECTED ME IN MY OWN HOME.
    Last year Karma finally showed my sister in law how it feels to put all kinds of work into something and then have no one care what you did to try to make them happy.   The Christmas party was at my sister’s house last year, and my sister in law prepared a craft project for the little kids LIKE SHE DOES EVERY YEAR,   It is important to make it clear she does this EVERY year.   My sister had bought a bounce house with ball pit for her granddaughter’s birthday 2 days before the party, and they decided to set it up at the party.   They did this BEFORE my sister in law had a chance to make her craft (she had worked so hard on) with the kids.   After a while she picked up the box of craft things and put them with the stuff she was taking home.   My brother asked her why she was doing that.   She told him there was no way she would get the kids calmed back down to work on it after them playing in the bounce house ball pit slide thing.   My sister in law was very hurt, and I felt really bad for her at the time.   I made a point of telling my sister later what had happened and that I did not think she should have set the bounce house up till AFTER the craft.   She tried to say she did not know my sister in law had a craft project.   Did I mention she does this EVERY YEAR?   HOW THE HELL COULD SHE NOT HAVE KNOW?   It was not she did not know it was that she wanted to show off what she had got her granddaughter for her birthday, and did not care about anyone else's feelings.   I really wanted to cry at the time because my sister in law had done all that work and then did not get to use it.   I doubt my sister in law will ever make crafts for the kids again.   When she gets hurt it sticks inside her.   She is not like me I will tell you if you hurt me she keeps it bottled up inside.
     It was only this morning nearly a year after it happened that I realized that happening to my sister in law after her putting so much work into the project and no one cared she did not get to use it was Karma letting her feel how I felt when I put so much work into that Christmas party and no one cared.     Karma will not fix things in our time she does it in her own time, but it will get settled.   So be careful how you treat others.   IT WILL COME BACK ON YOU WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT.


     Life is getting better.   It seems karma has taken and interest in my life lately, and is laying the smack down on someone that deserves it.I love it when karma does my job for me.  For those of you who do not know what karma is, it is the idea that whatever you put out into the world will come back to you .  If you put good things out there good will come back to you .   If you put bad out bad will be what you receive back.   I have done my share of both, and had my share of karma smack downs.   I have to be reallllllllly angry to be mean, but if I am pushed far enough I can be a demon from hell.   What is funny is when someone tries to do you wrong and they end up just showing everyone who they really are not the shell they put out there for the world to see.   I have been taken in by a couple of these pretty shells.   I am easily taken in by someone that pretends to be nice to me.   I want to believe they are really as nice and the appear.   It hurts when someone you think is a good person shows their true inside personality, but just remember karma will get them for being hurtful.   Have you ever had someone desperately trying to make people believe they are the injured party only to have them show their selves for what they really are.
     Always remember this  THOSE THAT REALLY LOVE YOU WILL ACCEPT YOU AS YOUR ARE.   There is no need to throw tribute at the feet of your real friends.   Real friends understand you for who you are and still love you.
     Have you ever had someone accuse you of saying something you not only said but did not even think, and get mad about what they thought you said not what you actually said.   I saw the cool sign it said I AM ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT I SAY NOT FOR WHAT YOU UNDERSTAND!   I love that it says it all.   Listen to what I say not to what you THOUGHT I meant cause you are probably wrong. in your interpretation.