
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Birthday: 10-30
joined: 2013-12-25
Wszystko mija bezpowrotnie... Młode lata,śmiech i łzy ,pójdą tam gdzie TY... ⛔ . . . .
To keep level: 
Points needed: 490
Gymnastics Clan26 days ago
Gymnastics Clan
Coffee 37 days ago
Golden Waffle40 days ago
Golden Waffle
Strawberry Waffle 41 days ago
Strawberry Waffle
Play, sing, dance!59 days ago
Play, sing, dance!
Cabrio60 days ago
Jola szkoda czasu na zmartwienia, głowa do góry, zabiorę CIĘ gdzieś tam ;))))))
Golden Airplane61 days ago
Golden Airplane
Boeing 737 62 days ago
Boeing 737
Portugal Clan67 days ago
Portugal Clan
Fruit basket90 days ago
Fruit basket
Bardzo dużo prawdy jest w tym co napisałaś .Good Week to You ;)
Lemon Ice Cream 97 days ago
Lemon Ice Cream
Cone Ice-Cream103 days ago
Cone Ice-Cream
Folding Bike Clan103 days ago
Folding Bike Clan
Coffee105 days ago
Miłego weekendu :)
Great Barrier Reef131 days ago
Great Barrier Reef
You're unforgettable 138 days ago
You're unforgettable
Green Beer144 days ago
Green Beer
From: Andy778
nice win
Golf Trophy145 days ago
Golf Trophy
Golf Cart 146 days ago
Golf Cart
Lonely kitten 148 days ago
Lonely kitten
Cobalt heart 154 days ago
Cobalt heart