
lid geworden: 29-09-2010
all guests use aimbot fact
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Benodigde punten: 93
Last game

fucking cheats

see there are plenty here still using aim bot and still game desire arnt taking action against them so to all the aimbot users i say just because your own mother cheats and fucks low life it dont mean you have to ,if you cant win fair then feel sorry for your old man as he dont think its fair either having to sleep with your mother while she is dripping from the last guy


have handing in more than 50 aimer cheats in to game desire as they told me and there will be more so good luck cheats

people using aim bot

well seems nearly every one is using some sort of aim bot ,well game desire dont care and as for me i look at this as those using aim bot must have been abused by their parents as they cant win without it ,mostly the slit eye and mussy lot as they like to keep sex in the family lol

brian crowe92

just letting everybody aware that if you write a blog and brain crowe92 dislikes your comment he will message you with rude comments about your mother as he did with me but sadly my mother has been dead for some time so also feel sorry for him as it seems he likes to have sex with dead people as the live ones wont touch him with a barge pole so please beware

game desire

well seems gamedesire know full well about all the cheats using game bot on here as when i put my last blog up they deleted it which in my eyes shows they know full well or why delete as thats what this blog thing is about i thought telling the true