
lid geworden: 25-05-2012
Hergestellt in Deutschland*
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Benodigde punten: 197
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
8 jaren 287 dagen geleden

The difference between Android KitKat and Lollipop

 Android KitKat made of chocolate n25.gifn34.gif

Android  Lollipop made of  sugar n17.gifn34.gif 

G DATA .. Privacy German vs US Patriot Act


Datenschutz ist wichtiger als jemals zuvor und betrifft uns alle!
Die NSA-Affäre zeigt, dass Unternehmen leicht Opfer von Datendiebstahl werden können, wobei hochsensible Informationen wie Kunden- und Finanzdaten sowie geistiges Eigentum auf dem Spiel stehen.

Wie können Sie vom deutschen Datenschutz profitieren -- ganz gleich, wo auf der Welt Ihr Unternehmenssitz ist?
G Data ist als deutsches Unternehmen nicht nur verpflichtet die deutschen Datenschutzgesetze zu befolgen, sondern befürwortet sie auch ausdrücklich. G Data Software wurde entwickelt, um Ihre vertraulichen Daten zu schützen und enthält garantiert keine Hintertüren! Wir glauben, dass Sicherheitssoftware effektiven Schutz gegen ALLE Risiken und JEDE Schadsoftware bieten muss. Für uns macht es keinen Unterschied, ob Schadsoftware von staatlichen Einrichtungen oder von Cyberkriminellen ausgeht.

Informieren Sie sich jetzt über die neuen G Data Business-Lösungen: https://www.gdata.de/unternehmensloes.

Hubble spots a celestial butterfly: Dying planetary nebula creates incredible image 13 October 2014 | UPDATED: 18:57 GMT, 13 October 2014

NGC 6302, captured here in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is  known as the Bug or Butterfly Nebula.

The image shows planetary nebula NGC 6302, captured from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

'Known perhaps more appropriately as the Bug or Butterfly Nebula, this complex nebula lies roughly 3800 light-years away from us within the Milky Way, the agency said.

'It was formed when a star around five times the mass of our Sun became a red giant, ejected its outer layers, and became intensely hot. 

'Its distinctive shape classifies it as a bipolar nebula, where fast-moving gas can escape more easily from the poles of the dying star than from around its equator.'

This creates a lobed structure reminiscent of an hourglass or, as in this case, a giant cosmic butterfly.

While this image is beautiful in its own right, the mix of colours actually tells us a lot about physical conditions within the nebula.

The red edges of the butterfly wings represent areas that emit light from the element nitrogen, due to the relatively low temperatures there. 

Conversely the white splashes closer to the nebula's centre pinpoint light emitted by the element sulphur, marking regions of higher temperature and colliding gases closer to the central star.

This hot gas was expelled from the star and collided with slower-moving gas in its path, creating rippling shock waves through the nebula. 

Another example of interstellar art: This image of the center of the Milky Way, an area known an Namibia, was captured in 2011

An example of such a shock wave can be seen in the well-defined white blob towards the top right of the image.

Other colours identify emission from oxygen, helium and hydrogen gases. 

The observations making up this composite image were taken in optical and ultraviolet light on 27 July 2009, using Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Endures the Gluteus Maximus and Drop Test (:D


The back pockets, on our pants, are awesome. We know they are vulnerable to pickpockets and have a greater chance of spilling the contents every time we sit, but we can’t resist it. The back pocket is still home to many wallets, keys, phones, etc.

And apparently, our hips are strong – stronger than we give it credit for. Leaving things in your back pocket can lead to, well, bent things. Hence the question: what about my phone? Namely, the Galaxy Note 4.

Samsung makes and sells hundreds of millions of smart devices each year, and it's very important that each and every one is in line with its strict quality control standards. So, to make sure you can rely on its devices, including Galaxy Note 4, Samsung runs rigorous tests both during and after development and production. This video shows some of the tests that Samsung runs to give you, and your back pocket, peace of mind.

Drop Test 


Samsung makes and sells hundreds of millions of smart devices every year, and part of its efforts to make sure consumers can have peace of mind using it, Samsung runs rigorous tests both during and after development and production. 

This video shows the Galaxy Note 4 undergoing the Drop Test, Automatic Drop Test and Tumble Test.

For more information, visit http://global.samsungtomorrow.com

How to fix a bent iPhone 6 (Tutorial) (:D


PeripateticPandas is back with a fix!
Making bendable design more robust...
with a drill press.

For Part 1 go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKd6g... .

This is more of an advanced tutorial; do not try this at home.

Music: "Hall of the Mountain King" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0