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How to play Backgammon - game rules


The chat allows players to communicate via the net. The chat window is situated under the table picture.


There is a blockade in the system that makes it impossible for the players to use swearwords. Each vulgar word will be presented as a different gentler one or asterisks will replace the majority of the letters, e.g. f**k.


If a player wishes to send a message to a particular person and it is meant for this person only, he can do it by typing in /a player's name message, e.g. /Tom, hi!


Besides regular conversation the CHAT makes it possible to define some special actions. They should be marked # as presented below:

#get versionThe command informs about the plug-in version downloaded from the server. If you wish to inform us about the problems with our games, remember to quote the version number.
#ignore NICKThe command lets a player avoid getting correspondence from a particular person. NICK is the nickname of the person to be ignored.
#noignore NICKIt switches off the previous one.
#warning NICK MSGIt lets a player type in a warning concerning the player nicknamed (NICK). It is displayed the moment that the player nicknamed is sitting at the table or when a player is sitting at the table the player nicknamed is playing at or when the player nicknamed invites a player to the table. The waning may contain any information, e.g. This player is very friendly.
#nowarning NICKIt switches off the previous one.
#reply NICK TEXTIf the player nicknamed sends us a private message, the TEXT, will be sent back to them and it may contain any information, e.g. Nice to hear from you, Tom.
#noreply NICKIt switches off the previous one.
#replyall TEXTIt replies to everyone who will send us a private message by sending a TEXT to its sender, which may contain any information, e.g. I will be back in some time because I am eating dinner.
#noreplyallIt switches off the previous one.
#warningnoneIt switches off the #warning for everyone included.
#replynoneIt switches off #reply for everyone included.
#ignorenoneIt switches off #ignore for everyone included.
#showreplyIt displays the list of all the players to be sent a TEXT.
#showwarningIt displays the list of all the players to be sent a warning.
#showignoreIt displays the list of all the players to be ignored.
#tipsIt switches on displaying tips in various places, e.g. the player's list.
#notipsIt switches off the previous command.
#emoticonesEntering a sequence of signs displays a picture (see the chart above).
#noemoticonesIt switches off the previous command.
#defineLets you define sequences of characters that will be automatically converted in the chat line, eg. #define :) <19:42:3> lets you replace the basic emoticon, all defined sequences are saved and are common for all games.
#undefineRemoves one of defined sequences eg. #undefine :)
#undefineallRemoves all defined sequences.
#showdefinesDisplays defined sequences.


When certain sequences of characters are typed, they appear as emoticons. There is more than one way to display them, the simplest is to use one of the following sequences:


It is also possible to combine pictures to make complicated emoticons, by using the following sequence of characters: <12:9>. The numbers separated by colon define eyes and mouth, and you can also define hair style by using third numerical parameter like this: <12:9:2>.



hair eyes mouth