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14 بازیکنان آنلاین
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14 بازیکنان آنلاین

روش بازی WordBox - game rules

The Wordbox board consists of a 17x15 grid of cells, where players place letter tiles. Up to four players can play the game simultaneously. At the game beginning each player is given seven letter tiles which are drawn from the bag. Having completed a move, a player is given the number of letter tiles which replenishes the seven letter tiles given. A player's letter tiles are concealed from the opponents. Initially, the bag contains 115 letter tiles. The letter tiles are of different colors, which determines their point values. The number of the letter tiles which are left in the bag is displayed below the board next to the available letter tile field. There are two blank tiles among a player's tiles, which can replace any letter. A player's move is about placing at least a two-letter word using the letter tiles from the rack. The points are scored by summing up the values of the letters that the words which are placed on the board consist of as a result of the move. If letter tiles are placed on the bonus or special cells, the player scores extra points or influences the game in a way.

The player who starts the game must place a word so that it is placed on the cell in the center of the board.

The board of WordBox during the game between two players.

In each turn a player can combine a word placing any number of letter tiles on the board. Words can be accepted by clicking „Make a move” button. Each player is allowed to resign from performing a move by selecting the „Pass” button. Nevertheless, if all players pass twice in two successive turns, the game is over.

When a player decides to exchange the letters, they should move the selected letter tiles to the field on the right of the counter of the letter tiles left in the bag as well as select the „Exchange” button. The exchange is only possible when there are at least seven letters in the bag. Each player is allowed to exchange letters three times during one game.

Personal options

They are avalible when you are sitting at the table.

Personal options while playing WordBox are: the possibility that the game is a draw, or surrender, to hide the internal chat, the inclusion of a list of players playing with us at the table in WordBox and off the sound for the game WordBox.
  • Game options - there are bonus options: „Draw” (draw proposition for other player) and „Fold game” (after that you lose game).
  • Hide chat panel - you can turn off chat and recive better view
  • Players in room - by clicking this icon you open players list
  • Turn the sound off

Game over

  • One of the players has put all the letter tiles on the board and the bag is empty. In this case the player scores extra points for the opponents' letter tiles, but the opponents are withdrawn the number of points which their letter tiles left are valued the moment that the game is over.
  • All the players pass twice in two successive turns. In this case players are withdrawn the number of points which their letter tiles left are valued the moment that the game is over.
  • All the players exceed the time limit. In this case a player is withdrawn the number of points which their letter tiles left are valued the moment that the game is over.


If the word covers the bonus cell(s), the word letter number is multiplied by the bonus value. The following bonuses are allowed:

  • if a letter is placed on a "2L" cell, the letter is scored double for every word it is included in;
  • if a letter is placed on a "3L" cell, the letter is scored triple for every word it is included in;
  • if a word is placed on a "2W" cell, the whole word scoring is multiplied by two;
  • if a word is placed on a "3W" cell, the whole word scoring is multiplied by three;
  • if a word starts or ends on a "4W" cell, clockwise, the whole word scoring is multiplied by four;
  • if a word is placed on an "EX" cell, the random opponent's tile exchange is performed, except for the case when there are fewer than seven letter tiles left in the bag;
  • if during one turn a player places all the seven tiles, they receive 50 extra points.

Blank letter selecting

If a player places a blank tile on the board, a letter selection window will be displayed. If a player changes their mind and wishes to change the letter, the blank tile can be double-clicked and a letter selection window will be displayed again. If a player puts the blank tile away, the letter will be removed.


Below we try to solve the most common problems arising while playing the game:

  • all the letter tiles used during a move must be placed in a horizontal or vertical line;
  • a word can be developed on both ends simultaneously in one move;
  • developing a few words on various parts of the board in one move is not allowed;
  • extra bonus cell points are added in the move during which they are placed only;
  • if a few words are created in one move, each of them is scored, and the value of shared letters (including the bonus cell values) is calculated separately for each created;
  • if a blank tile is placed on the word bonus cell, the sum of the word letter values is multiplied by the bonus value regardless the zero value of the blank tile itself; the value of a blank tile placed on a letter bonus cell is zero;
  • while combining words the use of a dictionary is not allowed; it can be used after the word has been combined only, when one of the players questions the word; each word can be used repeatedly during the game.