
připojena: 02.08.2016
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well here we go again. Biden just signed an order to pardon his piece of crap son Hunter. it was just a month or two ago on national news interview with David Muir when asked if believed in the justice system prosecuting Trump, he said yes , he believes in the system. then Muir asked him if he would pardon his son of the crimes he was convicted of, Biden looked the camera straight in the eye and said EMPHATICALLY, NO! so now he is a PROVEN LIAR!!! this just goes to show you that ANY politician, from EITHER party will tell you WHAT you want to hear, then do as they please. so much for the democrats being honest and above board. there is a song done by a vocal group named the O.J'S that should be ALL POLITICIANS theme song, the song is called, the back stabbers. everyone who is blindly tied to a political party better start to wake up to the facts! we have NO SAY on how our government is being run!!!!!