
Stav: svobodný(á)
Zajímá mne: žena, muž
Hledám: přátelství, zábava
připojena: 05.03.2016
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
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Bodů zapotřebí: 96
Poslední hra


Dárky: 5


Něco o mně

O mně
I am a strong Hebrew Roots believer (not mainstream Christians) in the Heavenly Father Yahuah (bless it be He) and His only begotten Son Yeshua Ha Machiach (The Messiah; bless it be He) who gave His life for us all in order to come in to have a relationship w/Him and His Heavenly Father and that we may all be granted eternal lives. Hebrew Roots Movements is unlike mainstream Christians; we strongly believe; do; keep and guard All the commandments of the Almighty.
Anything that has to do w/the Almighty Yahuah (bless it be He) and His Son Yeshua (bless it be He).
Oblíbené filmy
All movies pertaining to the Holy Scripture.
Oblíbená hudba
Messianic Music
Oblíbené knihy
The Holy Scripture
Věci, které mám rád(a)
I like whatever the Almighty Yahuah (bless it be He) and His Son Yeshua (bless it be He) like.
Věci, které nemám rád(a)
I don't like whatever the Almighty Yahuah (bless it be He) and His Son Yeshua (bless it be He) don't like.
