Sandra Laliberte63

připojena: 27.01.2019
Tough times never last, but tough people do
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Bodů zapotřebí: 124

Herní aktivita



VýhryVyhráno Žetonů
33371,59 mil


Dárky: 6


Něco o mně

O mně
I am married, 23 years. A beautiful daughter, who is 20, in a 4 yr Nursing program, and is a brain tumor survivor, fighting since she was 3 and has had 5 brain operations. (Miracles & Dreams) Do come true. My son is 19, and is in the Electrical Union, so proud of both of my children. My husband builds high risers, for a living, and I stay home, and keep everything together. xoxo
Love animals, vacationing, gardening. Family is everything to me.
Oblíbené filmy
Anything to do with sharks, and horror movies. (crazy, I know)
Oblíbená hudba
Country 98.1
Oblíbené knihy
I am more into magazines, than books.
Věci, které mám rád(a)
Nice people, beautiful days, nature and Winnie-the-Pooh, which explains my picture.
Věci, které nemám rád(a)
Poor Losers, Liars and mean people. ??? Why when I am playing Canasta, and I am playing with someone, who is a lot better, than I and more wins, I look like I am going to make or got to 5000 before them, do they leave before the game is over, or when I am way ahead, they insult me with naming calling and insulting my playing (NOT) skills. Any ideas?????

Poslední návštěvy

Celkový počet návštěv: 203
70 dny před
