
قام بالانضمام: 2022-11-03
المستوى التالي: 
النقاط المتبقية: 57
آخر لعبة


مضت 74 يوم
x23Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

إكمال 50% من الملف الشخصي على الاقل (يُمنح الإنجاز في أول الشهر بشرط أن اللاعب كان ناشطا في ألعاب).

Slots Jackpot

Slots Jackpot

النقاط: 5

الفائز بجائزة الجاك بوت في لعبة السلوتس.



منح مرتبة "Chief"



منح مرتبة "Lord"

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

النقاط: 2

بلغ رصيد حساب اللاعب 10٬000 فيش اللعب لأول مرة.

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

النقاط: 5

بلغ رصيد حساب اللاعب 000 50 فيش اللعب لأول مرة.

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

النقاط: 10

بلغ رصيد حساب اللاعب 000 250 فيش اللعب لأول مرة.

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

النقاط: 20

بلغ رصيد حساب اللاعب 1٬000٬000 فيش اللعب لأول مرة.

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

النقاط: 50

بلغ رصيد حساب اللاعب 10٬000٬000 فيش اللعب لأول مرة.

Loyal Player

Loyal Player

النقاط: 20

ملف شخصي مسجل و نشيط لمدة سنة.

Enter the gate

Enter the gate

النقاط: 1 Mahjong Gate

Terminar o primeiro jogo de Mahjong.

Mahjong lover

Mahjong lover

النقاط: 2 Mahjong Gate

Finishing 10 games in Mahjong, in singleplayer or multiplayer game (minimum 5 players). Player must reach minimum 1000 points.

Adventure begins

Adventure begins

النقاط: 2 Mahjong Gate

Remover todas as peças do tabuleiro de Mahjong pela primeira vez sem consultar as dicas ou embaralhar.

Heaven fan

Heaven fan

النقاط: 2 Mahjong Gate

Completar pela primeira vez o 10º nível no Mahjong.

Aerial silk

Aerial silk

النقاط: 5 Mahjong Gate

Completing first three levels in Mahjong without hints or shuffle for the first time.

Secret knowledge

Secret knowledge

النقاط: 200 Mahjong Gate

Completing all 120 levels in Mahjong for the first time.

Golden teapot

Golden teapot

النقاط: 2 Mahjong Gate

Reaching 15000 points in Mahjong multiplayer game (minimum 5 players) for the first time.

Paper kite

Paper kite

النقاط: 5 Mahjong Gate

Winner of 10 multiplayer games in Mahjong (minimum 5 players). Player must reach minimum 1000 points.

Bronze coin

Bronze coin

النقاط: 2 Mahjong Gate

Vencer 3 jogos de Mahjong em 24 horas, no modo multiplayer (mínimo de 5 jogadores). Deve ser jogado até o tempo acabar ou não haver mais movimentos. Pontuação mínima: 1.000 pontos.



النقاط: 20 Mahjong Gate

Ganhar 1500 XPs em um mês.



النقاط: 50 Mahjong Gate

Ganhar o maior número de XPs no Mahjong em uma semana.



النقاط: 200 Mahjong Gate

Ganhar o maior número de XPs no Mahjong em um mês.



النقاط: 500 Mahjong Gate

Ao alcançar o 100º nível de experiência no Mahjong.

Farmer's hat

Farmer's hat

النقاط: 1 Mahjong Gate

Winning first Mahjong game in Farmer mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.

Master's diploma

Master's diploma

النقاط: 1 Mahjong Gate

Winning first Mahjong game in Master mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.

Wizard's spellbook

Wizard's spellbook

النقاط: 1 Mahjong Gate

Winning first Mahjong game in Wizard mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.

Ninja stars

Ninja stars

النقاط: 1 Mahjong Gate

Winning first Mahjong game in Ninja mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.

Samurai's helmet

Samurai's helmet

النقاط: 1 Mahjong Gate

Winning first Mahjong game in Samurai mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.