This time of year I do way more thinking about the past then I should. I think about family members I have lost over the years, and people I thought were friends just disappearing from my life without any reason. This year with that covid ramping up for another run, my mind keeps drifting back to someone I have not seen in over 2 years. Staying away this long is not at all like him, and I can not help but wonder if the covid got him or if he finally found a better life outside the net. Thing is something he said to me not long before he disappeared also has me wondering if something else may be keeping him away. I will not go into what I think it could be, but I just wish I knew. It is easier to eventually put yourself back together and go on with your life if you know for a fact your friend has died. It is far harder not knowing for sure why he is not longer around.
Some of you know I am an empathy, and I ran into someone else with psychic abilities that told me this friend was still alive AT THAT TIME, and that he would find a way to let me know he was ok, but that was over a year ago. That bodes the question did this other psychic just tell me that because I was worried about my friend and he sought to calm me down, or if he really saw something. He never did say when my friend would get in touch with me. That is the problem with psychic powers , they are not predictable. The universe gives you little flashes of things to come, and it is up to you to figure out what they mean. The interesting things about the psychic I spoke to that night are psychic predictions were not his real job and he charged me nothing for what he told me. That night he mentioned 3 names to me without any prompting from me. The fact that he only mentioned 3 names and I knew people with all those names was kinda convincing. I have seen fake psychics work before this was not like that. Fake psychics usually get their info from other sourced and pretend they got it psychically. This was not like that. Two of the names he came up with were not common names and the one I had not even thought about in years as most people knew him by his nickname and it was his real name that was picked up on. I was asked if I knew a person by that name at first I said no as like i said he usually uses a nickname. What the guy told me was he wanted to know if this other guy was ill. I was home before I remembered that was my niece's husbands real name, so I called her and asked if he was feeling well. Turns out he was scheduled for some health test the very next week. WEIRD HUH????
Sorry I digress. The point is which is harder? If someone you love dies or if they just disappear from your life without even a good bye? I sometimes wish my brain was like a computer just delete the bad memories or things I do not want to keep thinking about from the past to make room for new better memories.

Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are.
Son oyun