Have you all seen the reviews of this new ghost busters movie? It sounds even stupider then I originally though it was going to be when I first heard they were making it. What ever happened to original writers? I wanted to barf when I head slimmer has a girl friend now. I do not know why people do not come up with their own original ideas instead of twisting someone else's idea into some twisted knock off version of the original. It would not be so bad if they actually made something that could stand on its own. Making the entire ghost busters crew women was stupid. If you are going to make a reboot of something make it as an tribute to the old movies do not make it to tare the old ones apart, and anyone who thinks this movie should be seen just because the cast is girls is wrong. HAVING FEMAIL STARS DOES NOT MAKE A MOVIE A HIT, AND CALLING A BADDDDDDDDDDDDDD MOVIE A BADDDDDDDDDDDD MOVIE DOES NOT MAKE YOU A SEXIST IT MAKES YOU HONEST. I think it cheapens it to say if you do not like this piece of crap you are sexist. Bad is bad.
Got some questions for you all: Is it wrong to take someone at their word? to believe they will do what they say they will when they say they will do it? Is it wrong to get your feelings hurt if you plan to do something special for someone when they blow you off to do something else even thought you arranged it on their schedule to make sure they could be there? Is it wrong to try to do nice things for people you like? Is it wrong to be sad when it does not work out like you planned it? Is it wrong to place all the plans in place ahead of time so you can be sure everyone can be there, and not wait to the last minute to set things up? Is it wrong to get your feelings hurt when you feel like the person tried to make happy does not care they made you sad?
Is it wrong to worry about people you love even thought they do not seem to care about themselves? Is it wrong to try to stop a friend from doing something that could wind them up in the hospital? Is it wrong to offer your opinion of something if you know a friend is making a mistake, and try to get them to do it the correct way? Is it wrong to tell someone if they hurt your feelings? Is it wrong to cry when those you love hurt your feelings or scare you by not taking care of their health? Is it wrong to be less inclined to do something nice for someone that threw it back in your face when you tried before to do something nice for them? I know I take a lot of things personally and that I know is wrong, but I really do not think people should hurt friends feelings. The ironic thing is when you try to tell them how you feel and they say you are trying to guilt trip them. Why should they feel guilt just because you tell them they hurt your feelings if they do not know it was wrong?
Oh and for the record blogging is my way of getting bad feelings hurt and anger out of my mind. Anyone who does not like what I say feel free to not read it or comment on it if you wish. Just remember 2 things I did not use any names in this because I am not trying to embrace anyone. Also remember even if you see yourself in this it may not be you I was talking about, but if you post a replay that is all mad about it when your name was not mentioned even if you are not one of the ones that upset me everyone will know you have done things that you yourself think I was writing about lol. So if you see yourself in any of my blogs ask yourself WHY?
Ever feel like you just got to vent? I am so upset right now. I have a friend who has diabetes and I have had a big fight with him. He ran out of test strips and he is arguing with me the insurance company will not fill it till Saturday. His sugar bounces around like a ping pong ball HE NEEDS HIS STRIPS. I told him to call his doctor and get the doctor to call the insurance company and sort it out for him. But he argues like the insurance company has the last say on it like they are GOD ALMIGHTY. I tried to tell him the insurance company's job is to pay as little as they can, and to bluff him into not spending more. I told him the doctor would have been able to make them give him his strips, but he did not want to hear it. I ended up in tears because I lost a family member to diabetes and am in no hurry to lose someone else I love. Love sucks! All it is good for is making people cry. I was in such a good mood and in less then 2 hrs it crashed down into tears. I should be in bed but no way can I sleep now if I try I will end up with nightmares.
Seriously what the hell is with men? Why do they not take care of their health? Are they really stupid enough to think they are going to live forever? First my brother neglects his heart blockages for 10 years and winds up with a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery in Nov. Then he has cancer in the mouth bone and some of the lymph nodes. As a result he had to have surgery to remove the cancer and they just did reconstructive surgery on him Monday. We hope he will be ok. With that going on and my friend dying this week I really do not need to worry about another friend. My brother-in-law's sugar killed him at age 50. This friend is already more then 50 and I am worried for him. Can anyone tell me why men do not take better care of their health? Do they all have death wishes? Or do they all think they are indestructible? My brother-in-law missed seeing his youngest daughter graduate collage. He missed all his kids weddings, and he never got to see his 5 grandchildren. Every Christmas eve my sister morns his loss Christmas eve is their anniversary and she feels it most then. Her children try to take her mind off it but it always creeps back to her mind when they go home at night and she is once again all alone.
These men that do not take care of their health are not thinking about those they will leave behind. They do not consider the sorrow and loss their family will feel when they are gone. It is sad to think of the loss my friends family will feel when he is gone if he keeps neglecting his health like this. Thank you all for letting me vent a little maybe I will be able to get some sleep later.