
prihlásili ste sa: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
1 rok 30 dni pred

REVIEW 14: Knotted Complete Series Boxset: Paranormal Romance

This is actually a series of 6 books sold as a set. I will be honest I nearly dropped this set after the first 3 chapters. Actually eht first 10 chapters had little plot . Chapters 2 through 9 were mostly a lot of explisid sex. The blessing is the chapters are only about 15 to 20 min long. I stuck with it and about midways through the first book the plat surfaced. It is set in the future where global warming had messed up the envirement ,and took out most of the population. Those that survived were in 3 classes of people. The alphas( usually big, strong, and many had a sense of entidlement.) The batas( the seconds to the alphas usually in cdontrol of the soldures that protected the clans.) The omegas ( the bottom of the pecking order SO IT SEEMED IN THE BEGINNING ) but turned out the omegas could be just as strong willed as the alphas alpohas that tried to own them.
In this messed up vision of our future if we do not fix global warming, only aloha males and omaga females can still produce children. In a turn to the more primitive natures, the omega females would go into a heat cycle, that would draw every alpha male in a mile ratius to them. The female's heat pheramones would drive the male alphas crazy with lust, all they could think about was ruting th female inheat. Some alphas actually tried to protect and help the omegas protecting them form the other alphas that may take them against their will. The family geniology of the alpha males could be a bit complicated. The first alpha male we were introduced to the head of london, had a half brother that was the head of scotland who wanted him dead and wanted to take back the lands his older brother had taken from the scotts. Three or four books later the younger half brother winds up mated to the sister of the older brother's mate. The older sister and her mate had set up a trap to get his brother and her sister together, what they had not counted on was, the younger brother took the younger sister against her will,and then kidnapped her. Ki the younger brother took cloie the younger sister of hiis brother's mate into his arms, and jumped out a window several floors up into the themes river. She nearly died, but he saved her and got away with her. When Ki took her back to his ancestral home, the daughter of his bata who had a crush on himher whole life,was jealous. She tried to get rid of ki's new mate, by druging her and giving her to the vikings( yes apparently there are vikings in the future and they are huge)
Ok so shorter version EVERYONE WANTS TO TAKE OVER WHAT IS LEFT OF THE WORLD. The last chapter of the last book is a dissapointment. The daughter of Ki's second gives herself to the viking leader to save BOTH the english and the scottish clans. Her dad does not like this at all. but he was out voted by his adult daughter who chose to stay with the head viking, and the leaders of london , and scottland( the half brothers). They are all warned by the vikings not to follow them. The head viking threatens not only to kill anyone that trys to follow them, but also to kill Lisa the girl that gave herself to save her clan and the londan clan also. Lisa's dad was not going to let that go, he was determind to get his daughter back, after her mother's death he became very protective of his daughter. HOW HERE IS THE WORST PART OF THE WHOLE SERIES: They tell her father not to try to get her back she made her choice, he said he was going after her, and that he had a plan. LAST SENTENCE IN THE BOOK HINTED THERE WOULD BE ANOTHER BOOK, BUT I SEARCHED THE NET ALOT, AND A FRIEND OF MINE FOUND THAT THE NEXT BOOK, THE ONE THAT WOULD HAVE REVILED THE PLAN WAS NEVER RELEACED FOR PUBLICATION. To me there is nothing more frustrating that a book that leaves the end of the book with a cliffhanger and then does not follow through with another book to clear it up. I have felt this way after an old series on tv called SOAP ended the series with a bunch of cliff hangers. I was like awwwwww come on.


The book " LOVE POTION FOR THE ALPHA" is the book I finished in one night. This was a shifter book set in really old times. The book opens the home of two sisters. One beautiful, and young, still young unough to be a proper bride for the times. The other her older sister a spinster of all of 23 years old. ( They got married very young back then. The father had made arrangements for the son of a friend of his to come and seeif he wanted to marry one of his daughters.
The younger daughter desperate to not be chosen bought a love potion from someone she knew. She told her sister if she wore it the suiter would not be able to resist her. The older sister was more timid and not so skinny, as her sister. The girls piut a little of the love potion between the older sisters cleavage, and some spilled onto her underwhere. The Guest was setting in the dining room when the girls came in. First the younger, then the older. He could see the younger sister would be high maintance and little help around his house. He favored the older sister from first sight. He got a bit woosey, and nearly jumped over the table to lay his claim on hthe older sister when her scarf fell and he saw her ample bussems. When he went to her side to lay claim on her he promptly passed out , after making his claim. He woke up in a guest room. He told his second he did not know what happened. Everyone chalked it up to drinking too much, but he knew it was something different.
The wedding was held the girl's sister suggested she ware the same underware from the night before because it still had some of the potion on it. When he tried to make love to his new wife he got ill he could still smell the sent that had made him pass out the night before. He thought she was trying to keep him from consumating the marrage. He opted for a less conventional means of consumating. ( If you want to know what he did you will need to read it.) They then went back to his houme 3 days away. He wanted to wait till after the marrage to tell her the truth about him that he was a warewolf. On the first night on the trip they made camp with pavilian tents. He suggested she take a nap while they fixed supper. She over slept and when she woke up, there was food and water there for her. She was surprisede to find a big wolf in her bed and her husband no where to be found, but after she ate she went back to sleep when she realized the wolf met her no harm.
She did not really know her husband was a wolf untill they met up with his brother and the brother disrespected her. They both shifted into wolves and her husband nearly killed his brother, but she stopped him.
He had sought to have a human wife but not to take her as a wolf mate as part of the pack. He did not realize the night they wed he put things in motion that could not be stopped. She changed his way of thinking on any things, and finally he mated her in wolf fation. It was only then that she had told him that she had used a lust potion. He tried to convince her he was not under a spell. His uncle had promised her they could make an antidote for it and she was out hunting herbs when he tracked her down to take her back he was ready to matre her. His uncle had discoveered the potion had wolfbain in it. That was why he got ill frome it . ( As any fan of warewolf jaundra can tell you wolfbain can be deadly to warewolfs). Still makes me laugh she wanted him to love her and she newarly killed him with the love potion, because she did not know what was in the poption and that he was a warewolf.


This 5th book in the Alpha Heros Book series is about the ex delta squad member who now runs Battle Brothers company. He gets a call from his ex feiance's father telling him she is missing and begging for his help. Kass felt the need to help her, so he bailded on an opperatione he and his brothers were running to try to catch the man that had been stalking them for years. He deactovated his transdermal tracker they all had implanted so they could be found no matter where they were. He mannaged to get his girl out, and was determined to keep her safe, bu she had other plans. It was a good thing she did not listen to him, because she saved him from being captured. She was with the cia and got info where the guy the battlesons were after was, they tracked him to an island. T( Kass's girlfriend did not tell him she got part of the info to find the bad guy from one of his brothers so they knew where he was, lucky for him she did.
Kass was shocked to find out the master mind behind the attacks on his family had come from his biological father that he thought was dead. His biological father faked his death and wanted to take over his son's bussiness, to use for money laundering. When the brothers were nearly all killed, their women came riding to the rescue, proving Badelsom women were just as tough as the men. I do not want to give away the whold book, but there are a lot of surprises in this one,and it had me cryihng at the end. By the very end, all was resolved, and everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. There are more books in this series, but it may be a while before I can collect them all.



this 4th installment in the Alpha Hero's series centers on Troy ( ex black opps flyer), now lawyer,Troy is the club he owns. Merasol walked in, as one of the club memeber hit on her, he went to here defence. When he found out she knew T the woman that had set a matchmaking trap for 2 of his brothers already. She gave him the papers she had that should have put her dictator brother-in-law away forever, and promptly left. Then T called, and when she found out Merasol had left she imediatly sent him to find her. He found her being attacked by some of those after her. They excape the attack, and hitde in an abandon car wash. They killed the motor and set stil as the police looked right at them and did not see them. They left the car there and took refuge in a sex motel ran by a friend of Troy's untill his brothers could arange to have them picked up.
Merasol was a germ a phobe. She had a need to clean everything when she got stressed. Merasol had smarts and courage worthy of a warrier. Her loyalty was really strong, and she would do what ever it took to protect her family and those she loved.
This is deffinately a book worth reading. At the end of this book they had one less enemy thanks to Merasol shooting him , when he tried to kill Troy, and another brother was married. Matchmaker T strikes again. I am working on the 4th book now Apolo. I will let you know about that one when I am done with it.


This second book in the series deals with and ex vet trying to deal with his injuries avter the explosion of a bomb that killed his brother, and cost Max aneye while creating wonds that left scars on his body. He had a death wish, until he met Lexy, a popular, beautiful, modle, who was looking for a diferent life. She longed to be away from the runway and to have a home and family of her own. They helped each other heal from their past. As all the books in this seeries there is a generous amount of danger, attempted murders, violance, and secrets. This story has one of my favorite themes for most of the storied i like to listen to. It had a man willing to die to protect his woman, and a woman who has just as much dedication to her man. I am working on the third book in this series. The thing I find really interesting, is this seeries was written published and marketed by the writer. ???? I want to be her. A woman that believes in herself enough to make her dream happen.