i have spoken before about the winds of change. Well here I go again. We are all familiar with the winds of change blowing through or life from time to time. Winds of change are not always a bad thng if it blows like a zephyr, Light,gentle, andcooling,to freshen the air on a calm clear day. These winds are wonderful. They allow us to float along with the unharmed to a new place and a new adventure.
There are other winds of change. These winds blow hard like a huricane. They come on you fast and hard, upturning trees that had shaded you on the hottest day, rip the roofs off of out mental homes we build in our head. One minute you are standing there on what you think is secure ground, and when the winds of change blow through you are picked up and thrown somewhere you thought you would never be. The winds of change can tare down things you have been building for years. One minute it is there and the poof it is gone before you can blink.
The sad thing about the winds of change is: we do not control them. They happenTO us, and you are left to try to rebuild your life out of the fragments of your old life that are left after the change. Then is the time you must decide if there are enough fragments left to allow you to build on it or if it is all over, and you must move on.

Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are.
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