This review is of a collection of sevrel in the series: Special Ops Shifters: The Complete Series Collection. The early books were not bad, and followed the pattern of most shifter books. The last one was a little different. It was about dragon shifters. We all know shifter books are fantacy, but this one went above and beyone fantacy. First there is a male dragon shifter. He believed he was the last one in the world, untill he went on a mission where he found a female dragon in a lake. She also thought she was one of a kind. She was acient. Dragons allegedly had very long life spans. He used his diplomatic skills to settle some of the problems he was sent there to fix. They fell in love, but they were both determined to stay in their own worlds, and parted when he was done with his mission. ( First problemI have with this is: dragons are said to be reptiles, so how could they change into the all too mamal humans.) Some time passed. He missed her alot. Newyears eve he heard a banging on his door just minutes before midnight. The person on the other side would not go away, When he found her standing there he was really excited. She told him of her search to find more dragons. He asked if she found any. She said she had found 1, and ran her hand across her belly. She was pregnant with his child, and that was all it took to get her to follow him. (Second problem with this: If dragons are reptiles why was the baby inside her belly that was a mamal thing. Why did she not lay an egg like other reptiles.) I have found a few others have done dragon shifter books, but I an not sure the concept works.

The heroine of this story has a rare genetic condition, that makes her unable to fight off the effects of uv light. Her world has always been one of the night, lived in the shadows. She would jog at night. That was where she first saw Ajax Battleson. At the suggestion of a friend of his, he had taken to riding his bike at night on the same track Em ran her nightly jogs. This book has espionage, commandos, intrigue, mystery, unexpected love, danger, all ending with a happy ending. I highly recommend this book. It s centers on ex military specialists, that started out as Juvenal delinquents. In one of the later chapters, the book took 3 turns even I did not see coming, and I have listened to many of this style books. If you like stories about special ops, or rare health problems, or unexpected love, or finding the one for you in an unusual place, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU. There are at this time8 more books in this set. I own 5. I will probably do reviews of them as i finish them.
I was chatting with a guy on another site last night with an id I had just made that night. He asked me what my name was? I told him i do not give out my real name on that site. The next thing he said to me, he called me by my real name at the end of the sentence. I was shocked. I asked him if he was psychic too. He said he did not think so. I said then why did you call me that name, how did you know it was my real name. He said it just came to him. Either he is telepathic and on my wave length, or he is the luckiest man in the world, and should buy a lottery ticket. So do you believe in telepathy?
REVIEW 7: Special Ops Shifters: The Complete Series Collection (Shifter Nation)
This 4 book series is is about a bear , a lion, a wolf and a dragon shifter. The first 3 books were not bad. The 4th book was not that good. First dragons so not exist, but this one thought he was the last of his kind. As all his buddies found their "FATEDEMATE" he thought he never would, because he thought he was the lost of its kind. Dragons live a very long time, but he had never seen another of his kind. He found her while on a mission, another dragon, a female, his:fated mate. They were both so wound up in their own homes, neither wanted to move where the other was. When his mission was done. He went home trying to forget her. New Years Eve, she showed up on his door seal. She told him she found another dragon, and rubbed her tummy. She moved in with him and it was over. She moved in with him.
This book is by far one of the most entertaining I have done in a bit. Definitely 5 stars. Setting highlands of Scotland, of course. A girl is rescued from a forced marriage by her betrothed that she thought was killed when he was a child, but he survived the murder of his family, and grew up to be a mercenary. The trip back to her father was a long one, and nearly every time they stopped to relieve themselves, she would find an injured or abandoned animal. She insisted on taken them all with her; Her character reminded me of Ellie May Clampet she was an animal whisper for sure. First she found an injured rabbit, then a small ferret (that was not what they called it, but I looked it up it was a ferret) The Wolf as her betrothed was called, protested each addition to her growing petting zoo. He tried to get her to leave the ferret behind, saying it would probably die because they needed a lot of heat at that size. She slipped it into her top between her breasts and said that will take care of the heat for now. There it rode for most of the trip in her top. The next thing she found was a little fox that something had chewed the ears off of. It got to the point the men that were with them were speculating on what she would find next. One of them thought she would find a wolf, as each stop she got an animal farther up the food chain, but she did not get any more till they got to her father's place.
The wolf had told her on the way back that he and she were to marry, and he had not died all those years before. It all happened fast. They were married that night, stayed there for their wedding night, and next morning early they set out for his ancestral home that was in bad shape after being abandon for 20 years. Her father brought out her horse that thankfully she had been made to leave there when she went to see her Uncle. The horse was huge, powerful, and quite stubborn, in fact that was its name stubbornbastard ( hope that does not get centered). When they had only just started the trip to their new home , they heard a howling in the woods that was getting closer. Her husband sent some men to find the wolf and dispatch It, because a wolf out in the day usually met rabies. Her husband was leading her horse, and when she realized they were going to kill the wolf, she called out stubornbastaare. Her husband thought she was calling him that. Her horse reared and jerked away, they spun and rode in the direction of the howls. She got to them before they could kill the wolf, and skid off the horse's back. She ran to the wolf and put her arms around it. The men stood there staring as she told them they would not kill him. The wolf so happy to see her started licking her face. By the time her husband caught up with her, not only was the wolf licking her, but the horse too. The wolf and the horse, neither one seemed to mind the presence of the other. Her poor husband realized this was another animal she had rescued. It was only then she thought about the ferret, she looked about and saw it sitting on the horse's saddle. Her husband asked here if the wolf would be able to keep up or if he should send it back to her father. She told him the wolf would probably run alongside the horse as they were friends. it took a few days to get to their new home. Her father arranged for wagons full of things they would need to set up housekeeping to be sent to them. The same day the wagons arrived, she had found an abandon baby deer in the woods.
There had been 2 attempts on her husband's life. The second one hit her, but she lived. Eventually things worked out, and they thought it would be alright. But it was not, if you want to know what happened you will want to get this book. It was worth every sent I paid for it. I plan to check out the rest of this series, and see if they are as good.