this 4th installment in the Alpha Hero's series centers on Troy ( ex black opps flyer), now lawyer,Troy is the club he owns. Merasol walked in, as one of the club memeber hit on her, he went to here defence. When he found out she knew T the woman that had set a matchmaking trap for 2 of his brothers already. She gave him the papers she had that should have put her dictator brother-in-law away forever, and promptly left. Then T called, and when she found out Merasol had left she imediatly sent him to find her. He found her being attacked by some of those after her. They excape the attack, and hitde in an abandon car wash. They killed the motor and set stil as the police looked right at them and did not see them. They left the car there and took refuge in a sex motel ran by a friend of Troy's untill his brothers could arange to have them picked up.
Merasol was a germ a phobe. She had a need to clean everything when she got stressed. Merasol had smarts and courage worthy of a warrier. Her loyalty was really strong, and she would do what ever it took to protect her family and those she loved.
This is deffinately a book worth reading. At the end of this book they had one less enemy thanks to Merasol shooting him , when he tried to kill Troy, and another brother was married. Matchmaker T strikes again. I am working on the 4th book now Apolo. I will let you know about that one when I am done with it.

Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are.
Ultimul joc jucat