theres so many people cheating that pool isnt fun anymore , 1 shot an they can make anything an never miss ,hit balls an get perfect for the next ball, i hit a ball an get screwed everytime an play people thats double my level
East Prairie, Missouri
its so pathatic that these low level cowards have to use a cheat an they never miss
Ultimul joc jucat
pool live pro
pool live pro
i hate playing these assholes that shits out an thinks there good, when they are just shitty an cheaters
pool live pro
nita.crista turn off the cheat coward, an when you notice the white flag end the game stupid
gamedesire pool
you admins how much do the cheaters pay you guys to not ban them i played i lvl 16 that played better than world class players dont tell me they arent cheating, doesnt matter though in 68k more i wont be back until you admins get off your asses an ban these idiots