
joined: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Points needed: 74
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Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
1 year 31 days ago


Have you ever been walking and found something someone else lost? It happens to me a lot. Just this morning I took a walk up the street and back to the house as I often do. I saw something shining on the road and picked it up. It was a key ring with no keys on it. The glass on the front had been broken, most likely from being ran over by a car. It had writing under the glass. It started out ( To my husband Never forget. I love you) . As I looked at it I began to wonder about how it got there and why there were no keys attached. Had the wife lost it on her way home, before her husband ever saw it? Or had he owned it and used it , but one day they had a fight and, maybe his wife threw him out and took back the key. With the house keys gone he may have thrown it away in frustration and anger at love lost. Could even be one or the happy couple's children got hole of the key ring before the husband had added any keys, and they lost it while playing with it.
I do not know maybe I am just weird to think about things like I do. When I pass an old rundown building I look at it and wonder what it was like the day it was built and all brand new. I think about the people who paid to have it built, and what they planned to use it for. Sometimes it is a business building that closed, other times it is a house. Sometimes it is the shell of what was once a beautiful home. I myself have thought about how nice it would be to have a home that was built to my designs. When people build homes or businesses they do not see the dark future day when their beloved building will stand empty and alone falling apart, over looked , no longer the show place it once was. I wonder about how much longer it will stand there falling down until the Earth reclaims it. I then think of how on some distant date someone else's dream building will stand in the same spot, making a new generation happy.
Ok you can call me weird if you want to, others have, but it is just me being me . smiles