
joined: 2019-07-24
Before you worry about why someone doesnt like you, first ask yourself why you should even care :)
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20 hours ago

Welcome ..

Welcome to the world today.....
Where sex is free and love is expensive. Where losing a phone is more painful than losing a loved one, Where modernization means nudity, profanity, and if you don't drink/smoke dope you're out of fashion/style. Where boys stay boys and never want to become men, and girls become men to rule over them. Where changing genders is accepted as if you were changing your socks Where if you don't fool your partner it's because you're not clever enough. Where the bathrooms have become photography studios and Men want to pretend to be women and cant figure out they are men and need to stay the hell outta womens bathrooms where lil girls are.... Where pizza delivery is faster than the emergency response. Where people fear the thieves and the terrorists more than God. Where Worshipping God is difficult. Where temples turn into dating pools. Where lies become realities. Where the ladies fear pregnancy more than h.i.v., and babies are murdered so the ladies can escape. Where people become toxic when they speak the truth or you're resisting to turn from what is actually toxic. Where perspectives and clothes decide the value of a person. Where money is more important than family and God. Where children are ready to leave their families for their love of the moment, rebellion and spite. Where the marriage covenant is no longer sacred or taken seriously. Where it's easier to play house than to build a home. Where jumping from partner to partner for sex or attention is easier than waiting for the right partner for life. Where love is a game, Where evil no longer exists. , people just look right past it and accept it for what it is..Whoever plays with the mind always gets happiness and who plays with the heart always hurts. Modernity, love and liquid education...The new generation of humanity. Welcome to a world where were all Fckd

Fires burn deep

There is a symbolism in the fires we set; in the bridges we burn with intention, to the ground. We stand there, staring blankly at the rubble and debris. We take comfort in the fact, that we’re on the other side of it alone; that no one can harm us now. When the one person you trust most with your life is the one who slowly took it away day by day mark by mark it puts us on guard and every time we let someone get close enough, to feel the warmth of our light, it feels like all they want to do, is snuff it out. They don’t know what to do with our hurricane souls, so they try everything in their power, to water us down; to dismiss or to minimize our pain; to silence our thoughts somehow. Relationships always leave us feeling caged. We feel bent, and broken; we feel wounded and sometimes even afraid. And no matter how many times we try to explain it to them, this sadness inside us, still remains. We are left there in silence; the aftermath of such violence. We are left there all alone, to handle our rage. A pain born of fire; the object of horrific unwanted desire. A fierceness born, from forcibly living, inside of a cage. We didn’t ask for this to be our story. We’ve done everything in our power, to rewrite our history. But you cannot change the past; you can only change the future. And happiness just cant last, when your wounds are never sutured. They want us to heal, without feeling a thing; without hearing the story of what shattered our souls. They tell us it’s over now; that it’s all just in the past. They say to get over it; to move on with our lives; as if freedom is something we could ever truly grasp. We can barely breathe, most days of our life. We are fighting these demons, that the monsters left inside. They handed us their darkness, and we’re supposed to just instinctively know, how to turn it back into light. They murdered our soul; they shattered our innocence, and most of the world around us, doesn’t want us to put up a fight. They want us to be quiet. They want us to simmer down. They want us to handle this massacre inside us, without making a single sound; without speaking the depth of our pain, out loud. So you see, there is intention, in these bridges we burn down. We don’t just set them on fire with a match; we incinerate them, to the ground. We make sure that when we burn them, they can never be rebuilt; that we will never be able to cross them again. We keep ourselves safe. In our cage, we remain. It’s exactly where they wanted us, in the end. In our hollowed out shell, we are deathly silent. We are violently deconstructed. We keep burning these bridges to symbolically show, that our lives can only be reconstructed.in our own time and it takes years not weeks or months... We cannot heal, what we do not acknowledge; and they will not acknowledge our pain. So we stand here alone, on the other side of burning bridges, with the smell of burning ash, in our veins. We mutilate and burn our own flesh, in the flames. This is what abuse and mental and physical trauma does, to a domestic abuse survivor. This is the destruction, that it leaves in its wake. We are chaos, born of hellfire. We are the very definition, of debilitating pain. A pain that cant be seen by others only felt within ourselves.. And as long as no one allows us to speak our holy truth, we’ll be trapped all alone here, in our shame. And in the end, we’ll have nothing left to show for ourselves, but this burning flesh, and a cage.”

Just a thought

"The God-shaped hole in all of us is a voracious beast when stuffed full of the world. It'll take you to places you never wanted to go and keep you there longer than you ever wanted to stay."

Awesome song :) I live in a small town ,,,,


Out of our Comfort zones

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. When we grow up without clear direction, without plans or goals. Without any idea of who or what we want to be, we are left to drift amongst the wants of others and be placed into the category’s society has assigned to us. A category gives us a sense of belonging, but also creates a limit of who we are supposed to be. We become conditioned by our beliefs and are a product of our environment. Everything we think, do, act, is a choice. If you are more focused on how another person acted rather than how you reacted, you are inadvertently placing the blame on someone else. Choosing to be a victim to your outcome is easier than taking responsibility. Understanding that you choose to be a victim toward a situation is a hard pill to swallow, but without awareness you can’t change it. Change; its simple to know, but hard to follow. We live in the paradox of wanting to be better without truly wanting to do better. We want to remain within the comfy space we have created, leaving it for the unknown feels more uncomfortable than remaining in a place we know is no longer serving us purpose. We are constantly faced with contradictions in our lives, “nothing grows in your comfort zone” but “the grass isn’t always greener” Without a thought audit, we don’t question why we believe certain things or why we do things a certain way, we will continue to be the same person, with the same core beliefs. The intention to be better, is easier than the action to do better. We may tell the universe we want more money, but deep down we believe ourselves to be poor. We may tell ourselves we want to be successful but deep down we believe we will amount to nothing. Denial feels comfier than acceptance. Blame is easier when its placed upon others, rather than ourselves. Hiding from the past is easier than healing from it.  Humans are like water, we take the path of the least resistance. I know I'm not alone in avoiding being uncomfortable, we are creatures of habit and changing the routine causes our brain to go into a bit of a frenzy. Its easier to stay the same but nothing great in life is easy and the only way I am going to change my identity is to put myself in situations of discomfort, to become comfortable with the feelings of rejection, failure and boredom.