I saw on the news where another child was shot by a sibling. That was 2 that week. I really do not get it. First why do these parents keep leaving loaded guns where kids can get at them. and second do the parents not teach their children to leave the guns alone? My dad had a hand gun. and he kept it in his unlocked dresser drawer. We knew from the time we were big enough to craw not to touch it. My dad always said never point a gun at anyone unless you plan to use it. I do not know if it was out of respect for my dad of if I was worried about what he may do if I disobeyed him, BUT I never touched that gun. I did pull the drawer open and look at it a couple times. He had never said do not look at it he said do not touch and i never touched it. I have no clue if it were loaded or not. I really think parents (especially ones with guns) should teach their children to respect human live, and that guns are not a toy.
I think part of the problem is the parents do not spend enough time with the kids to make sure they respect what a gun can really do, and the other part is caused by violent video games. The graphics on these games no are really good, and everyone usually gets more then one life in these games,so some kids have a prob telling real life from games. Some may think if someone gets shot in real life they will regenerate into a new life.
I think parents need to crack down on their kids and make them understand respect and to listen to what they are told. Many parents say they do not correct their kids cause they do not want the law on them, but I only remember my dad ever spanking me 1 time in my life, and that was for something I had been told my whole life not to do. If you do something you have always been told was not allowed you are asking for repercussions. You do not need to spank a child to get them to obey what you tell them. My dad was doing time outs before time outs were even a thing, but for the modern parents to get their kids to listen to them, they would have to actually spend time with them. I do not blame it all on the parents. Fact of the matter is this has been set in motion generations ago when parents started seeing their life,and wants as more important then their children. In trying to give their children everything they wanted and did not get today's parents are creating little monsters who respect no one or nothing not even their own parents. Lot of them want to be their kids friend's. wake up parents that is not your job. There will be plenty of time to be their friends when they grow up int the fine adults you would like them to be. Now you need to be the parents and show them the way to be good grown ups.

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Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are.
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