Johann Lux

Connesso: 20/04/2013
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~ Mark Twain
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“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the most wonderful things that will ever happen to us” ~ Nicole Reed, Ruining You

I have always treated both good and bad anniversaries with solemnness. Well this one official sucks! I had been in the dumps as I became a widower a year ago yesterday. I took this week off work and have been sleeping pretty random since Saturday. Today I wake up at 2 AM, did a bunch of meal prep for the next week and then head to the living room and turn on the tv. I got bombarded with a blast of emotion due to a favorite thing we shared together. It made me cry, smile, laugh and evoked a bunch of thoughts and emotions.

"Life is amazing. Love it when out of nowhere a perfect moment happens which makes you appreciate the journey" ~ Me

I have quite a few amazing friends who have provided amazing support this last year and continue to do so. I don't know where my road leads but look forward to the journey.

Commenti 1
boxingfanmanic28 giorni fa

Truer words. May God bless you on this walk until you see your love again.