Connesso: 24/11/2022
Judge me when you're perfect. Until then, keep your mouth shut!
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1 ora fa

dirty people

Why are there people so dirty and they confuse one person with another, they offend without showing their face and they send dirty videos, they are stupid, they use fake names only to offend

what do you think? comment

Ladies, when another woman talks bad about you for no reason at all, don't be so quick to clap back. Pray for that Woman. She sees something in you that she doesn't see in herself. Remember, confidence is silence and insecurity is loud!

someone said

failure is part of life if you don't fail you don't learn if you don't learn you don't change


I've never understood the concept of hate How anyone can carry that in their heart It must feel so heavy all I know is love❤️

the 3 wishes

A devil appeared to a woman and offered her 3 wishes:
,and he said but everything I give you your husband will have "10 times more."
She thought about it for a moment and agreed.
1st. Wish: WOMAN: I want to be very, very rich.
DEVIL: remember that your husband will be "10 times more than you."
WOMAN: no problem, mine is his and his is mine... the woman became rich and her husband 10 times richer.
2nd. WISH: WOMAN: I want to be immensely beautiful.
DEVIL, remember that your husband will be "10 times more handsome" and many will be after him.
WOMAN: It doesn't matter, it's no problem, I'm not jealous... the woman became immensely beautiful.
3rd. WISH: WOMAN: I want a very small heart attack, mild, that is just a substitute, nothing more.
THE DEVIL devil remained mute, and thought, "and he thought, unfortunate thing, she already killed him and kept everything.