I was flipping through some books i had stored away this morning and I found a hand written birthday card from someone who was once like a sister to me. I was 19 when I met her and she was 11. I would hang out at her house when a friend of mine was babysitting for her mother. After about a year the babysitter i would hang with moved away and the mother of the girls she had been watching asked me to take over the job, so I did. The girls were like my little sisters we did many things together even when I was not sitting them. When my friend got old enough her mom put her to babysitting her sisters, but she was nervous about it, so I would still hang at her house to make my friend feel better. As the years went by the girls grew up as children will do, and my friend became a mother. For a couple years she lived in her own house next door to mine. Those were good times we (her and her kids and I ) would do many things together. In the summer we would yard sale hop ???? I miss those days. After my friend's youngest children( twins ) started school she went back to collage to get her teaching degree. She worked hard and when she graduated she started teaching in the ares. About a year after she got a steady job teaching she moved out of the neighborhood, but she still stayed in touch. lol one Saturday night I spent all night putting together a desk together for her. After I got all the things I needed help for ( it had a book case over the desk, I let her get some sleep. She had church the next day. She took me to get some breakfast before she went to Church. Another time we had a yard sale at her house.
I saw some changes in her when she said to me one day she could never live in this neighborhood again. After she got the job as a principal for reasons unknown to me she stopped communicating with me. I chalked it up to her being busy. It was not till I started noticing she would ride by my house to see a special needs child up the street, and she would not even wave when I was sitting on the porch. It would seem the sands of time had shifted her away from me and her past, and the winds of changed had changed who she was when I called her my sister????. She did not even tell me when she got married much less invite me. I never knew she had even been married till my real sister told me. She had seen her out somewhere after her husband had died. I still see 2 of her sisters from time to time, and one saw me sitting on the porch one day about 2 years ago and stopped to talk. I do not get why someone I thought of as a sister acts as if we never met now that she has moved up in the work environment.
Finding that hand written birthday card signed love ya and knowing she really does not care at all if I am alive or dead kinda hurts. Why do people say they love you if they do not mean it to be forever? Why do the sands of time and the winds of change take people you once cares a great deal for out of your lift? Oh well I hope she is happy with the road she has chosen. Bottom line we all have to live with the choices we make in our life. I just wish those little reminders of the past would not pop up like the birthday card tucked in a book she bought me once for my birthday back when I still thought of her as my little sister.

ملحق شده:
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are.
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