
ملحق شده: 2016-05-14
مرحله بعد: 
Points needed: 114
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15 ساعت قبل


I've been wondering:  what do we lose, as a society, by being unable to speak truth?  What started out with good intentions:  kids shouldn't call learning disabled kids retards, and people like the sound of "passed away" over "died," sparing people's feelings, has morphed into something quite different.  If I'm attacked by a white woman (note how carefully I must put this), must I now tell the police that the suspect appeared to be a white, sys-gendered, hetero-normative woman?  But that I didn't know how she "identified?"  If I just say "white woman," am I hurling insults at the suspect regardless of the crime?  And is this what the founders of America, who were every one wanted men merely for the things they said about the king and his governance, had in mind?  Just wondering......

No More Complaining

I try to make a new year's resolution every year, and two years ago it was to stop complaining -- about anything.  It was REALLY HARD at first, but any time I heard a complaint about to come out of my mouth, I stopped and just thought the complaint instead.  Remarkably, it got easier and easier to just stop the complaint before it was a complete thought.  What I learned was a little much-needed gratitude for everything good in my world.  I wonder what would happen if all 330 million or so of us tried it for a year.  I kinda think we'd all be a LOT happier -- and what's the point of living if you're never happy?  Just wanted to throw it out there as food for thought....!