Samhain it was set for the night before all saints day. The thinking behind the though to move it to a Saturday is that it will be safer for the children trick or treating, and there may be some truth in that. On a Saturday it could be set earlier in the day and it would not be as dark out, but is the dark not part of the fun of Halloween? Would it not be easier for the communities to set the trick or treating for a Saturday if many people want this rather then moving the whole holiday? I just wonder what will be the next holiday to be moved Christmas itself ? I think it is stupid and pointless to move a holiday once it has been set on a date.
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I basically agree with what you say (and I remember Decoration Day quite well)...however, Halloween is not a government holiday and thus, the government can't change it. There can be recommendations about when organized "celebrations" should be held, but that's all they can be... recommendations.
I did not know that Art hun I thought they could change any holiday they wanted that is observed in the USA. Wonder how I missed that detail in history class it was one of my best subjects, and I do not remember any of my teachers teaching that. Thank you for the info.
The government CAN change when legal federal holidays are observed by an act of Congress, but Halloween is NOT an official holiday. Neither is May Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc.
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don't blame yourself over losing the squirrels, it's part of nature. as you said, the hawk had to eat also. if you want to see a heart warming pic, go on you tube and type in elephant helps baby lion cub. the pic made pic of the year. it will warm your heart to no end.
I was surfing around on the net, and I found a story about the singing group Confederate Railroad being removed from a show at a fair in Illinois. Apparently the people in charge of the show thought the name CONFEDERATE RAILROAD was somehow offensive to someone. I think people need to grow a skin. This ban has been around for decades and has even played that fair before, so why now is it a problem and suddenly too offensive to play there just because of their name. I also think people need to learn a little history maybe they would not be so judgmental.
On a only slightly related note: Last summer a 3 on one beat down took place in front of my house. I had to call the police about it. Apparently the victim had a confederate flag bumper sticker on his car, and a group of young African Americans took offence at it, and decided to pull it off his bumper. (First I want to note if a Caucasian guy had pulled anything off an African American’s property, it would have been all over the news.) So the Caucasian boy got angry, as anyone would have if someone destroyed something they owned. He made a reallllllllly bad move on any level and tried to run them over. At this point first one of the young men started punching him in the face through his window, and then another one ran around the car and pulled the door open on the passenger side and started beating him from the other side. At this point a third African American guy jumped into the car and started pounding the Caucasian guy that was trapped in his car. Now if 3 Caucasian guys had pinned an African American guy in a car and did a 3 on one gang beat down, they would have been in jail and the news would have read: Three white men savagely beat up an African American man that was trapped in his car. NOW MY POINT OF ALL THIS: The guy with the car made a stupid move trying to run over the other guys, BUT if the other guys had realized this is America and people can have pictures on their bumpers if they want to. All they had to do was look in another direction and the problem would have been solved with no one getting hurt. I realllllllllly think some people try to use racism as an excuse for behaving badly.
I actually heard someone say one time that blacks cannot be raciest only whites can and to that I say, anyone who really believes that is really stupid. Anyone can be racist, but the truly smart people will choose not to be racist. If you look back through our history you will find many great inventions created from every nationality and color of people on the planet.
So after I heard that stupidity about Confederate Railroad being removed from the show because of their name, I felt the urge to write a poem. It may not be good but it is from the heart.
Always remember this is the land of the free, and you do not get to make my choices for me
Migrants from the other lands helped this country grow so why now do some want them to go.
Everyone is free to speak their minds; it does not mean we need to draw battle lines
Racism is not something only one color can do, anyone can be racist it is true
Intolerance of another person’s way of life is only good for causing strife
Criticism of someone because of their race is a disgrace
America is the great melting pot, built by many races up from the ground, so you have no rights to put anyone down
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racism will never ever end! you can fool yourself in believing different if you like. look at how black lives matter preach racism!!!
High five on that one___ I will fly my flag till the day I die !!!!!!!!!!!
I do not blame you denverc. It is part of our history. Like it or not it was want it WAS and I personally see no more offense in you putting it up on your own property then I do African Americans using that N word in the music they write or calling each other a word that sounds VERY SIMILAR to that word. Like I said this is America we can all empress ourselves in LAWFUL WAYS. I would however have an issue with ANY OTHER FLAG being flown over a government building other then the officially recognized flags of this country, and unfortunately for some the confederate flag is not one of them. Feel free to fly it on your own property, but I would never support it on government property. Anyone who does not like to sewe it on your property can feel free to look the other way.
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I NEVER said that only whites could be racist. That said, "black" racism really is a "different kind" of racism, one that is "birthed" from systemic oppression of minorities and the hurt that has caused. If you live in a place that doesn't have rampant "covert" racism then you are quite lucky or just unaware. Let me assure you that the "classical form" of racism is pervasive in this country and is growing. Consider yourself quite fortunate if you live on a little island of fairness where all people are "equal". Equal in the quality of education available to them; equal in housing opportunities; equal in pay for similar jobs; etc.
lol @ unaware I have lived in the same neighborhood for over 40 years i was 19 when I moved to this community. There are very few people in this neighborhood that I do not know and that do not know me. I get out of my house and talk to people every day I think if where was a lot of racism going on I would notice it, BUT if you had read some of my other blogs you would have noticed it is not PERFECT as you are now trying to imply I painted it as. We have issues from time to time to time BUT only rarely do they have anything to do with color. It is usually a difference in point of view that cause it.
you and artm are living in a dream world. as I said before there will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be racism in this country. want to know why? because both white and black parents teach it to their kids!!! it's as simple as that!!!, and as far as comingling of the races, i'm a100% against it. inter racial marriages is an abomination!!!!!! NOW YOU KNOW WHERE I STAND!!!!
Well, since I am the product of an inter racial marriage, I am in favor of it. 😀 And Jane, I am sure you are very aware of your particular neighborhood, but NOT the country as a whole. If your microcosm is totally free of racism, then consider yourself VERY lucky, most of the country is definitely not like that..
For once you have an excellent point player and I totally agree the parents DO teach it to the kids, but they have help from the kids friends and the media that make people believe some people are being picked on. Children are not born predigest. As for the interracial marriages, I say ALL LOVE IS GOOD LOVE. If children are born to 2 parents that love them and put their well being first what difference does the color make, besides have you ever really looked at how cute the majority of biracial children are. Most of them are really beautiful children. If people would put more emphasis on love and less on hate the world would be a better place for EVERYONE.