My sister just told me one of our distant cousins was arrested for child abuse, and after what she told me I hope he never gets out. He had neglected this child so badly that when the authorities found out about it the baby was unconscious and had a blue grey tint to its skin. The resuscitated her, but they are not sure if she will live. The mother had left sometime back, but allegedly checked in once or twice a week. WHY DID SHE NOT CONTACT SOMEONE BEFORE IT GOT THIS BAD? The baby's aunt lived with them. She is in a wheelchair, but still why did she not call the police before it got this bad. The grandparents of the other 2 children took them out of the house, because they were being beaten, and they did not contact anyone.????
I asked my sister what kind of drugs he was on when he did this. Drugs are not excuse for child abuse! I just know we got some really crazy people in my family but , NONE OF THEM WOULD DO THIS TO A CHILD, so I am thinking drugs were defiantly involved, and I really think the powers at be should do EVERYTHING to him that he did to that baby girl. At least they were smart enough not to give him bale. They said he was not safe to be in the community and I totally agree. Anyone who would abuse a helpless baby like that should not be shown any mercy drugs or not. I also think the baby's mom and aunt should be prosecuted for neglect and child endangerment for not reporting him when this crap started.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? If you do not want your child, do not starve it or beat it, Turn it over to child protective services. The foster care program is not perfect, but it would most likely be better then what happened to this little girl/
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are.
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