
registriert seit: 24.05.2015
웃❤️❤️❤️Que os sorrisos não me faltem. E a fé me acompanhe. ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Naechstes Level: 
Benötigte Punkte: 158
Letzte spiele
Star Cocktail 5 Jahre 287 Tage her
Star Cocktail
Play, sing, dance!5 Jahre 307 Tage her
Play, sing, dance!
Von: sonya1
parertima vc amore polter..b
Happy New Year 2019!5 Jahre 362 Tage her
Happy New Year 2019!
Christmas gifts 6 Jahre 18 Tage her
Christmas gifts
Gift Bag6 Jahre 22 Tage her
Gift Bag
100 Years Of Freedom6 Jahre 46 Tage her
100 Years Of Freedom
Frankie Pumpkin6 Jahre 56 Tage her
Frankie Pumpkin
Friendly Ghost6 Jahre 62 Tage her
Friendly Ghost
Dry Eye Cocktail6 Jahre 62 Tage her
Dry Eye Cocktail
Scary Pumpkin6 Jahre 62 Tage her
Scary Pumpkin
Flower gift box 6 Jahre 86 Tage her
Flower gift box
Sunny Cocktail6 Jahre 93 Tage her
Sunny Cocktail
Von: Borboletando
Prêmio Participativo. Obrigado por estar sempre presente conosco!
Bronze "Legend" Anniversary6 Jahre 102 Tage her
Bronze "Legend" Anniversary
Fun on the beach6 Jahre 104 Tage her
Fun on the beach
Von: Borboletando
Presentinho por você ser umas das borboletinhas mais ativa no Borboletando! ♥
You're my butterfly 6 Jahre 115 Tage her
You're my butterfly
Diamond heart 6 Jahre 136 Tage her
Diamond heart
Cheers!6 Jahre 140 Tage her
Von: Borboletando
"Semana do Papai do Borboletando" Pai é espelho, proteção, benção, conselho. Pai é amor! Feliz Dia dos Pais!
Bouquet for a Lady 6 Jahre 146 Tage her
Bouquet for a Lady
Sweet teddy 6 Jahre 154 Tage her
Sweet teddy
Friends' hug6 Jahre 157 Tage her
Friends' hug
Von: _Div@....
Feliz dia do amigo! atrasado, mas amigo é todo dia né? :*
You're my butterfly 6 Jahre 158 Tage her
You're my butterfly