
připojena: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Bodů zapotřebí: 74
Poslední hra
Osmička - 2009

Osmička - 2009

Osmička - 2009
Před 1 rok 31 dny


I was watching a show the other day and it had a photo on it that is said to show a ufo in a time and place it should not have been in. After taking a good close look at the thing that is said to be a ufo and the surrounding areas I have a different idea as to what the painter wanted. I do not think it is actually a even in the sky. I believe the area where it appears in the painting was meant to be an extension of the water in the background of the painting, and the thing everyone thinks is a ufo is in fact a boat out on the water with a couple large barrels on the deck. If you zoom in you can see what appears to be a couple ores sticking out from the sides of the object much like the oars that were set low inside old ships of the past. You do not see many ores on space ships. As to the guy they think is looking up at the picture may just be looking out across the sea. If you want to see the pic it is in the oddities file in my photos