
připojena: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Bodů zapotřebí: 74
Poslední hra
Osmička - 2009

Osmička - 2009

Osmička - 2009
Před 1 rok 44 dny


     I  find it very flattering my blog has become so popular lately.   I was sent a link today to someone else's blog in which they quoted several things from my blog.   I would like to thank the author of the other blog for being such a fan of mine that they feel the desire to quote me.   I would also like to thank them for quoting it accurately.    I always did say blogging is a good way to get things off your chest n34.gif.   So blog on lol, and let the stress go.   You would be surprised how much tension and stress can run out through your finger tips if you let it.