
připojena: 24.07.2019
The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.
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Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2024

I haven't been on in about 10 or 11 weeks thought I'd come on Wish you all a late Merry Christmas I hope it was spent with those you love most and you made many many memories to last a lifetime.. And that your 2024 is an awesome year for each of you, I had 2 major kidney surgeries one in November than on Sat Dec 9th we were hit with a tornado and I was in my nieces home who was 7 months pregnant, I had been house bound from surgery for what seemed like and eternity, so I decided to get out Id go help with what I could to set up baby Carson' s nursery, we were alerted by the sirens and our immediate thought what no way and well it went off a 2nd time and wasn't ending we knew it was for real and close, both our phones went off with the alarm at the same time, I was moving very slow due to 3 weeks post op she was moving slow due to 7 month pregnant, as we made our way down stairs the winds felt like they were pulling us out of her house, we made it to the basement level and within seconds you were deafened by the tornado going right over the house , it was only seconds but it felt like hours, as it was over neighbors came over and were yelling was she ok, , the entire top half of the house was gone no where to be found, it was just like you had sawed it in half, .Within hours she was in full labor baby Carson came that night and was born at 26 weeks he weighed 2 pounds 2 ounces and is in NICU and will be for a few more months, I ended up having a 2nd surgery 3 days after this for damage had done to my previous surgery, I'm doing ok but please I'd like to ask you to pray for Carson, he is still so so very tiny and has such a long road of healing and growing to do to be able to come home to us all.. Things can and will get replaced , lives and those we love are the most important things in this world, Damage to my house and barns are still in repairs, my nieces house was a total loss, and this past week end she moved into her new home closer to where I am, :) Carson in all of this is the most important thing to all of my family.. Babies are amazing and so so much stronger in their fights than we can even imagine, I'm in awe of this tiny lil boy struggling so so hard just to survive and begin his life, I've saw pain and heart break in the eyes of my niece who I raised like my daughter, and I know her pain and even still all I can do is love her thru it and trust Gods plan for her Carson and my family...