وضع العلاقة: في علاقة
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As we all know the world is morning the passing of Muhammad Ali. He was a hero to many. I just find it interesting how when someone passes people will rewrite history to make the person that died seem even greater then they were. I was watching the wwe tribute to Muhammad Ali and I noticed a place where they rewrote history. I was alive and old enough to remember the events so I know the incident they referred to as Ali's match with Gorilla Monsoon was not even a real match. Monsoon was wrestling a different wrestler and Ali was in the audience. Ali got frogy and jumped in the ring to challenge Monsoon. He made a couple jabs shuffled around the ring a bit, and when Ali extended his arm to point at Monsoon, Monsoon grabbed his arm scooped him onto his shoulders and body slammed him. Ali then got out of the ring and it was rumored that Ali wanted to sew Monsoon because he hurt him, but he was told he should not have been in the squared circle with a real wrestler in the first place. It was at that point Ali gave up trying to get Monsoon to wrestle him and he found a different person to try to prove he could beat a wrestler. What they also did not tell on the tribute was people who had seen the wrestler he was fighting that night preform before and saw the event that night said they thought the wrestler was paid off. They claimed he did not even try to put up a fight. I want to make it clear I am not trying to trash Ali. I personally think he did many great things and many young people looked up to him. What I fail to see is with all the good things he really did why is it needed to rewrite history? Why not just let his actual deeds speak for themselves. I feel by embellishing the truth they do a disservice to his memory, and the memories of those of us that really remember the facts as they were?